Final Presentation and Report
From CS 160 Fall 2008
Due: before 5pm on Dec 8th, 2008
100 Points
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In this assignment you will incorporate the feedback from your pilot usability study as well as the feedback you received from the teaching staff to produce the next iteration of your interface design. You will then orally present the results of your semester long project.
Using Pilot Test Results
You should use the results and conclusions of your Pilot Usability Test along with any feedback we (or your classmates) gave you on your earlier prototypes. You should fix as many of the problems found as you can, prioritized by UI severity. This is also your last chance to implement as much missing functionality as you can. Some wizard-of-oz functionality is still permissible, but you should have run it by us. At this point a user should be able to interact with the system naturally and any wizard-of-oz should be fairly transparent. User should be able to use the UI to do more than just step through three rote tasks.
Please talk with us if you have questions or thoughts about the overall scope of your project. You don't have to implement everything, but there should be enough working parts of your project that we can get an overall sense for how well the interface works.
Presentations will be on December 6 and 8th in class. Groups that presented their interactive prototypes on the first day will do final presentations on the second day, and vice versa.
Poster Session
- Final Report: You must submit one copy of a printed report of about 8 pages of text in class. You must also put a copy of the report on the wiki.
Final Report (60 points)
Your report should serve as a stand alone description of your project and should therefore summarize some things you have presented in previous reports. It should also go into detail on a few new aspects of your project (new since the interactive prototype). We will be grading the overall report as a whole but place most emphasis on 1) how your UI changed over the course of the project based on your evaluations, 2) which evaluation techniques were most effective and 3) the description of the final UI.
The report should follow this outline with separate sections for the top-level items.
- Each team member’s name and role in this assignment
- Problem and solution overview (1 paragraph - 2 points)
- Target user group (1 paragraph - 3 points)
- Tasks (1/2 page - 5 points)
- 3 representative tasks to test your interface (easy, medium, hard). Remind us why you chose these tasks.
- Design Evolution (2 pages + sketches & screen shots - 15 points)
- How did your UI change from initial sketches, low-fi testing and pilot usability test?
- Show what the major changes were and why they were made
- Explain which evaluation technique was most valuable to your prototype's usability and why.
- Final Interface (4 pages + screen shots- reference figures!)
- Describe the final UI design
- Describe the functionality (i.e., what are the operations you can do with it) (5 points)
- Describe the user interface design (i.e., how you use the functionality) (5 points)
- Describe your implementation. What was most difficult to implement and why? (10 points)
- Provide clear and well-referenced screenshots and figures (5 points)
- What was left unimplemented
- What was left out and why (5 points)
- Any wizard of oz techniques that are required to make it work (5 points)
- Describe the final UI design
Oral Presentation (20 points)
Your report should be a ~12 minute summary of your final report. Follow the same outline described for the report. Present the complete story, but focus on the design evolution and the final UI design. In addition you should present a working demo of your interface including parts that are fully functional and the wizard-of-oz parts.
Suggested Organization
- Problem and solution overview (1 slide)
- Target user group (1 slide)
- Tasks (1 slide)
- Working demo of your interface (allocate the most time for this)
- What was left unimplemented or as wizard-of-oz and why
- Design evolution focusing on changes since the interactive prototype
Use slides or other appropriate visual aids. Ensure that the presentation shows appropriate preparation, and that visual aids are effective, properly prepared, and properly employed. Try to replace text with images wherever possible. Make sure text is not too small.
Cover the required scope within the ~12 minute time period and be prepared to answer questions after. Practice and time your presentation. Ensure the presenter makes eye contact and projects well.
Avoid repeating the things you show in your demo by putting them in slides. We would much rather see the interface as a working demo than as static images in your slides. Use the slides for the non-demo parts of your presentation.
The most common mistake in CS160 presentations is trying to demo while speaking. One person in ten can do this effectively. Most lose the audience. Have one person do the demo while the other speaks. Practice coordination. The people from your group who didnt present before you should speak during the final presentation. There isn't enough time to switch between all group members. However all group members should be prepared to answer questions.
Poster (20 points)
For the project fair you should prepare a poster describing your project. The poster is a single PDF or PowerPoint slide that will print in a 30"x40" format. You can use this sample poster template to get started. The poster should contain the following main headings:
- Problem: what you addressed
- Target User group: summarize the user group
- Solution: describe your solution
- Design evolution: show some diagrams indicating how the design changed.
- Final prototype description: what it does and what was missing.
Example posters from previous versions of the course are [here]
Uploading Images
To upload images to the wiki, first create a link for the image of the form [[Image:image_name.jpg]] (replacing image_name.jpg with a unique image name for use by the server). This will create a link you can follow that will then allow you to upload the image. Alternatively, you can use the "Upload file" link in the toolbox to upload the image first, and then subsequently create a link to it on your wiki page.
Hand in Printout in Class
Print your assignment and hand it in at the begining of class on April 29th.
Add Link to Your Group's Page
Edit your group's page to add a link to a new wiki page for this assignment. The wiki syntax should look like this:
[[FinalPrototype-Group:ExampleGroup|Final Prototype]]
Again replace ExampleGroup with your group's name. Look at Group:ExampleGroup for an example. Then click on the link and enter the information about your assignment. Be sure to clearly address everything mentioned in the writing guidelines above.
Add Link to Your Finished Assignment
One you are finished editing the page, add a link to it here with your group name as the title link. The wiki syntax will look like this: *[[Final-Group:ExampleGroup|Group:ExampleGroup]]. Hit the edit button for this section to see how I created the link for the ExampleGroup.