Pilot Study-Group:TBD

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Hi, thank you very much for participating in this interview; my name is __________. This is a project for CS 160, User Interfaces, in which we are trying to design a serious game that will encourage people to drive in a manner that consumes less gas by linking their driving behavior to the well-being of a character whose image you can see on your cell phone whenever you enter the game.

I’d like you to begin by first signing this consent form, which in summary states that you agreed to do this of your own free will and that you weren’t associated with us in any way, so that we can attest that our interviewees were not biased.

Now, the way this interview will be set up is that you will be asked to utilize our user interface as if we aren’t here. You may communicate with me any concerns you have during the course of the interview, but I will be unable to provide you with any assistance. You should not feel in any way feel as if we have any performance expectations of you - our hope is that in running a pilot study, we will be able to assess what aspects of our interface prototype we will need to change before performing a wider study.

Next, I’d like to go through a demonstration task. (Show user how to set goals using the user interface).

Then, ask user to do each of the following tasks:

Task 1: Collecting and Reviewing Data:

Each time you drive you will want to set the game into the data collection mode so that it is able to keep track of how far you are driving and your rates of acceleration. How do you think you should do this?

Task 2: Character Customization:

In this game, good driving behavior is rewarded with cash points, which you can use to purchase items in the store and improve its mood and aesthetic appeal. How would you go about doing this?

Now that you have purchased an item, how would you put it on your character?

Task 3: Carpooling:

Our game has a feature that facilitates carpooling - this is one means of saving gas, and consequently, carpooling also increases the reward (in cash points) for your character. If you were to carpool, how would you go about achieving the points associated with it?

Test Measures

  • Time it took for the user to finish each task.
  • Number of times that the user made mistakes.
  • Number of times that the user hesitated
  • Number of times that the user reported something positive about the prototype.
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