Wiki Group Creation
From CS 160 Fall 2008
Wiki Submission Guideline
Creating a Wiki Page for Your Group
Begin by creating a new wiki page for your group. You will use this page as a general repository containing all the information related to your group assignments and group project. So make sure to follow the instructions given here:
- Go to the Project Groups page and find the group you belong to.
- Each group as been given a single letter name. These names are boring. Choose a name for your group and update the link on the Project Groups page.
- Suppose you were given the group name X and choose to rename your group to ExampleGroup (yes perhaps an even more boring name). You would edit [[Group:X]] to become [[Group:ExampleGroup]].
- Now clicking on the Group:ExampleGroup link will lead to a new stub page for your group which you should edit to include the names of the all people in the group and pointers to their user pages.
I've created the Group:ExampleGroup page as an example. Note that there is a link to the Project Groups page in the navigation sidebar.