From CS 160 Fall 2008
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Initial proposal:
My idea of a game is along the lines of a finance game that helps others learn how to manage their money properly. After doing some basic research regarding this type of games, there are many that are already in the market; however, I believe some of the important factors are missing such as having a your current role as the input to the game. Games such as “monopoly” and “finance” gives everyone the same amount of money and role to start out with which I believe is a flawed description of the society. My idea can be explored into different professions, but my initial implementation will involve a game that would help students manage their money.
Target User Group (3 pts)
The target user group of my game will initially be students who hope to learn how to properly manage their money and can later be expanded into other professions. Many students do not how to properly manage their finances and often buy unnecessary luxurious items while they are paying their student loans. The game that I hope to implement will help student audiences get into habit of not purchase excess items and possibly to manage their bills. If successfully implemented, players taking a student role would learn how to become successful with personal finance. With lessons learned from the game, students can hopefully use them throughout their life to become successful individuals.
Problem Description (3 pts)
Many people in the United States do not have a sense of personal finance. I believe that having a good sense of finance is important for an individual to become successful. Student, especially college student, is a stage where many individuals first become independent. Some people even become financially independent at this stage, however many do not understand how to manage their money correctly. I once read an article where a college student had loans but also purchased Starbucks drinks frequently which incurred further dent with the repayment. With a role playing game that can subtly teach people how to manage their money in real life can help an individual become successful. The problem that this game is trying to solve is that people should not go overboard with the money that they do not earn, and should always have a sense of responsibility for their personal finance.
Problem Context and Forces (3 pts)
I believe that many factors will influence the problem solution. As I described in the previous section, this game focuses on helping students manage their finances properly. Individuals’ family background definitely is a concern for the solution to the problem. Other factors might involve their money spending habit, different valuations for different items (e.g. some people might spend all their money on cloth while others might invest all their money in new technology gadgets.), whether they have to repay for college tuitions, and lastly whether they have a job that can help support their spending.
Solution Sketch (3 pts)
This game can be a single or multi-player game; however, the initial stage of the game will be in single player mode. The single player mode will involve human players against computer player to see who manages their money better. The game will be similar to living a college life yet learning how to manage your finances. Throughout our lives, we are filled with competitions. Sometimes, competition makes a game more interesting. The computer will model a perfect individual, and the human player will be allowed to make different choices and hopefully beating the computer in the end. A detailed report will be printed to show areas of improvement needed.