Group Brainstorm

From CS 160 Fall 2008

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Due: before class on Sept 22, 2008

20 Points



In this assignment you will use the brainstorming method you learned in class to develop your group project idea. You should conduct at least one one-hour brainstorming session with your group members. You will report the complete list of ideas that your group generated, and then report the final project idea. Note that you will have time in class on Sept 17th to start the brainstorming. We expect you to meet outside of class as well to complete the assignment.


Your writeup should follow the outline below. It will be graded using the writing guidelines detailed later in this document. Remember that less is more. Try to say what you need to as succinctly as possible. But don’t skip any important details.

  • Each team member’s name
  • Brainstorm: A list of at least 20 numbered ideas (preferably 30-60) that you came up with during your brainstorming session
  • Idea Selection: The idea your group chose to work on and a short explanation of why the group picked it from amongst all the possiblities in your list.(paragraph)

  • A Longer Description of the Project (several paragraphs)
  • Target User Group(paragraph)
  • Problem Description (paragraph)
  • Problem Context (paragraph)
  • Why Serious Games are a Good Technology for the Problem (paragraph)
  • Solution Sketch(paragraphs + sketches)

Writing Guidelines

Brainstorm and Idea Selection (10 points)

This will depend on how many ideas you generated, how creative they were, whether there was evidence of build/jump in the list, etc. We will also examine how your group selected the idea you will address this semester.

Target Users, Problem Description, Context, Why Serious Game, Solution (2 points each)

You will score based on the quality of each item, using similar criteria to the Individual Project Proposal. In addition we would like you to explain why Serious Games are good technologies for addressing the problem your group has chosen. The best projects will take advantage of the unique affordances of game platforms and controls.


Hand in Printout in Class

Print your assignment and hand it in at the begining of class on Sept 22.

Creating a Wiki Page for Your Group

Begin by creating a new wiki page for your group. You will use this page as a general repository containing all the information related to your group assignments and group project. So make sure to follow the instructions given here.

  1. Go to the Project Groups page and find the group you belong to.
  2. Each group as been given a single letter name. These names are boring. Choose a name for your group and update the link on the Project Groups page.
  3. Suppose you were given the group name 5 and choose to rename your group to Example Group (yes perhaps an even more boring name). You would edit [[Group:X]] to become [[Group:Example Group]].
  4. Now clicking on the Group:Example Group link will lead to a new stub page for your group which you should edit to include the names of the all people in the group and pointers to their user pages.

I've created theGroup:Example Group page as an example. Note that there is a link to the Project Groups page in the navigation sidebar.

Creating Your Group Assignment Page

Edit your group's page to add a link to a new wiki page for this assignment. The wiki syntax should look like this:

[[Group Brainstorm-Group:Example Group|Group Brainstorm]]

Again replace Example Group with your group's name. Look at Group:Example Group for an example. Then click on the link and enter the information about your assignment. Be sure to clearly address everything mentioned in the writing guidelines above.

Uploading Images

To upload images to the wiki, first create a link for the image of the form [[Image:image_name.jpg]] (replacing image_name.jpg with a unique image name for use by the server). This will create a link you can follow that will then allow you to upload the image. Alternatively, you can use the "Upload file" link in the toolbox to upload the image first, and then subsequently create a link to it on your wiki page.

Add Link to Your Finished Assignment

One you are finished editing the page, add a link to it here with your group name as the title link. The wiki syntax will look like this: *[[Group Brainstorm-Group:Example Group|Group:Example Group]]. Hit the edit button for this section to see how I created the link for the Example Group.

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