From CS 160 Fall 2008
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Oral Presentation (20 points)
Your report should be a ~12 minute summary of your final report. Follow the same outline described for the report. Present the complete story, but focus on the design evolution and the final UI design. In addition you should present a working demo of your interface including parts that are fully functional and the wizard-of-oz parts.
Suggested Organization
Problem and solution overview (1 slide)
Target user group (1 slide)
Tasks (1 slide)
Working demo of your interface (allocate the most time for this)
What was left unimplemented or as wizard-of-oz and why
- Multiple Levels
- Saving/Importing of Tracks
- More tracks
- Multiplayer (high scores?)
- Tempo changing
Design evolution focusing on changes since the interactive prototype
- Use slides or other appropriate visual aids. Ensure that the presentation shows appropriate preparation, and that visual aids are effective, properly prepared, and properly employed. Try to replace text with images wherever possible. Make sure text is not too small.
- Cover the required scope within the ~12 minute time period and be prepared to answer questions after. Practice and time your presentation. Ensure the presenter makes eye contact and projects well.
- Avoid repeating the things you show in your demo by putting them in slides. We would much rather see the interface as a working demo than as static images in your slides. Use the slides for the non-demo parts of your presentation.
- The most common mistake in CS160 presentations is trying to demo while speaking. One person in ten can do this effectively. Most lose the audience. Have one person do the demo while the other speaks. Practice coordination. The people from your group who didnt present before you should speak during the final presentation. There isn't enough time to switch between all group members. However all group members should be prepared to answer questions.